Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Faux Pas of the month!

Ok, so my last post was all about this big wedding order and how I forgot to take pictures to share with you, blah, blah.  Well, Monday's are usually my make a plan, get everything together, get supplies and get ready to make the cookies for the week day.  So...I went downstairs to collect dish towels to wash.  I noticed a box with cookies sitting on the table where I do the icing.  I did a double take!  Cookies?  What cookies?  Here is what I saw...
a box with 41 cookies that were supposed to be at a wedding reception last Saturday!!  I couldn't believe it.  To say I was embarrassed is an understatement.  I called Jennifer, the bride's mom, and fessed up.  She didn't even realize the order was short.  Too many people taking care of too many things.  She did tell me that Ashley loved the cookies and I was happy to hear that.  I delivered the missing cookies this evening and was assured it was no big deal.  I bet that never happens again!  It was the last box to be filled and it didn't get carried over to the "staging" area for loading in to the car.  A lesson learned....