Monday, June 14, 2010

Cookies & Kiddos

Here's a couple cookies from last week....

Elmo for Kaden's third birthday party  -  Thanks Stacey!

Wedding cookies for Ericka and Doug - my gift to them.

I have a few other cookies I designed last week - I'll share them eventually.  There's a lot going on right now

Life between cookies? 

My two youngest Grandkids, age 5 and 3,  spent the last 10 nights / 11 days with us while their parents and older brother went to Scout camp.  Last night was their first night back home.  I know they were very happy to see Mom and Dad again!  It was sure quiet this morning without my little alarm clocks jumping on my bed. They are so entertaining. 

Here's Katelyn coasting down the hill full speed on her Big Wheel.  Did you notice the shoes?  On the wrong feet!!  She put them on herself and she is fine with that.  

Here's Conner practicing throwing the football with  Pop Charlie. 

There are so many cute pics of them it's hard to choose just one.  

Ok enough about the little people.  Cookies to think about!!